Dear reader(s), as Carole and I are now firmly in domestic mode with the return of Cath & baby Mia, I have struggled with the subject matter for the next blog entry. Carole, ever helpful, says "You can talk about the baby coming home and how the girls are helping their mum" and other similar offerings. In the spirit of Carole's urging and true front-line reporting, I toyed with such headings as Milton Re-discovered, the 37.0 degree bath.....etc.... but I concluded that as wonderful and beautiful baby Mia is, writing about the domestic chaos sorry I mean bliss and harmony which accompanies the emerging larger family would be interesting but a recipe for instant blog-drop (unless you happen to be studying Sociology).
Therefore I have elected to summarise (well researched and in-depth analysis in no particular order)
a few likes and dislikes about life in New Zealand.I should point out that however I try, my view is formed from living in the bubble that is Sumner (or Pomner as it is called by some kiwis), short visits to other S.Island areas and a lot of reading the national daily and news magazines.
The things I like (The Pros)
- The climate is much more Rheumatoid Arthritis and wrinkly friendly. We visited last in 2010 from March to May and this time around even though we are fast approaching the hour going back, the Summer weather continues and we are well into Autumn. I understand NZ winters can be cold but nothing as yet.
- It is law that Cars must park facing the direction of travel and must not encroach onto pavements. (Imagine if that were enforced in Linthorpe!)
- People are generally friendly at the South Island locations we have visited.
- Most NZ Bus Drivers are helpful, friendly and wait for the old to get to their seats before taking off.
- Stunning scenery wherever you go.
- If you are the outdoor type (Hartley et al) NZ is made for you.
- Kiwi culture generally not risk-averse.
Things I dislike (The Cons)
- The cost of living is frightening. If you don't believe me I refer you to an article in this Aprils edition of "North & South" magazine
"The Great Kiwi Rip-off - Why we pay such a high price to live in NZ". Apart from residents surviving these crazy prices, the deciding factor in coming to NZ for a holiday isn't the air fare but the cost of living here.
Click Here
- Cost of going out for a beer or a meal.
- No free Healthcare for most working people.
- TV has sold out to Sky so terrestial is rubbish, all TV sport costs.
- National figures crowing about high NZ integrity and values (Interspersed with stories about greed and corruption in high places)
- The Kiwi Rail Network, expensive and limited destinations.
- National pre-occupation with Gluten-free food and health supplements
- Earthquakes (only felt the earth move once since I arrived!)
No Difference to being at home
- Dog Dirt, in spite of warning signs and the many plaggy-bag-carrying dog owners there's plenty around.