Saturday, January 12, 2013

Christchurch - damaged but not broken

After a few days getting over the jet lag and settling into Cath & Paulls' place,we extended our range beyond Sumner and visited Lyttleton Port, Shirley (a suburb of ChCH) , Christchurch centre and Akaroa. Of these, Akaroa is the only place probably outside the damage-likely zone of the recent earthquakes,although the devastating quake of February 2011 was felt well beyond Akaroa.

Closer to home, damage outside the city centre appears random - indeed if you were driven through the suburbs and happened to be wearing sun-glasses you may not notice the many damaged and written-off properties. Sun-glasses or not you would notice the undulating ride on most roads caused by liquefaction damage and necessary repairs to drains and services.Some pictures of ChCh centre;

The remains of the city's cathedral can just be seen in the distance;

A container village has been created to keep the feeling of business as usual and give some continuity to those who depended on working in and visiting the essentially flattened centre.